Did you know that each time Dr. Dersh does an exam at your check-up visit that he is screening you for oral cancer? Early detection is key in the treatment of any cancer as we all know. It is no different for oral cancer, which comprises the largest group of the head and neck cancers. Two of the most common known causes are the use of tobacco and alcohol & HPV16(human papilloma virus version 16). There is also a small percentage of the population who develop oral cancer due to unknown cause, thought to be genetic.
It is important to see your dentist on a regular basis not only for a cleaning and cavity detection but also for a regular check for any abmormalities in and around your mouth. When diagnosed early, the survival rate from an oral cancer is 80 to 90%. If you have any changes in the appearance of your mouth or lips, please call for an appointment: Your health depends on it.
The above information is for general information and educational purposes only and does not constitute health or medical advice. Consult a qualified dentist or physician to determine an individualized treatment plan and for an accurate medical diagnosis and advice. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the contents of this educational piece is current, accurate and complete, neither David A Dersh, D.M.D., PA nor any other party involved in the publication of this paper make guarantees of any kind to it's accuracy, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and are not responsible for errors or omissions of any kind.
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